Mind the Minds aims to champion the work of contemporary Greek inventors and patentees.


Encouragement & information

Mind the Minds aims to champion the work of contemporary Greek inventors and patentees.

We enhance inventiveness with the added value of intellectual property protection, and we inform and mobilize Greek inventors to seek a patent for their inventions in those cases where such a course of action adds value to their work and serves their business objectives.




Greek ingenuity

We raise awareness, especially amongst today’s youth, on the benefits, both tangible and intangible of developing one’s innovative and creatives skills.

We connect innovation with entrepreneurship and in this way facilitate commercial exploitation.

We promote Greek ingenuity by making its representatives more widely known internationally.

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Παροχές συνδρομητικού πακέτου

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Σας ευχαριστούμε πολύ για την υποστήριξη,
Η ομάδα της Mind the Minds

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The subscription package costs €50/year.

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Thank you very much for your support,
Mind the Minds team